Club Membership

Membership subscriptions

The Club offers a number of different playing membership categories, and the subscriptions for which together with social membership are due January 1st at the following rates for 2023:

Adults (18+)

£190 before July 1st
£220 after July 1st

Bona fide Students & Registered Unemployed
£100 before July 1st
£115 after July 1st

Youth (under 18)

£55 before July 1st
£65 after July 1st

Social members
All ages

£40 before July 1st
£50 after July 1st

Pay by card, cheque, or cash to the Bar Supervisor at the Clubhouse

Pay by bank transfer: HSBC UK / Harborne CC – Sort code: 40-11-13 – Account number: 60414301

The Selection Committee reserves the right not to select players whose subscriptions remain unpaid at July 1st.

Life Members, Honorary Members, Vice-Presidents (unless playing) and Honorary Lady Members are not required to pay a subscription, but donations are very welcome.

Social membership is also available.

Cricket in Action 1

Match fees

The match fee for 2023 is £8.

Players who do not pay their match fees on time may not be selected until the arrears are settled.